how anxiety feels

This is how anxiety feels everyday.
This is true and the voice can say many different things and does depending on the anxiety. We the sufferers of anxiety know that most of the time it is irrational but we still deal with it and need to know that its ok. 

For every one who has ever pulled themselves out of an anxiety attack , this is so true. : ) 
So proud of you and keep being strong. I post this to remind myself too. I struggle with anxiety but I have also for the most part learned how to cope. I have been lucky that full blown anxiety attacks do not happen that much for me but when they do they are horrible. I have minor side effects every day of little anxiety attacks. 

If only this could be as easy as it sounds.... we all know its know because with anxiety we can't, unfortunately depending on our anxiety we care about everything and wish we did not. We want to not have the stress of everyday life, or social activities or what ever our anxiety is. I do not have the social anxiety but my anxiety is an everyday thing. Some times when people tell me not to stress and it's not that big of a deal. Well that may be , but to us for some unknown reason or known reason it is and we just want people to understand, yes we know that is not always fair but what we go through isn't fair and should not be lessened either. 
yeah this I find comical : ) but isn't that how this always works. 

Wars in your head? welcome to anxiety where any thing we think comes to life in our heads, every thing that some one has ever said good or bad may or may not get turned around in our heads becomes a war with ourselves just to get out of bed and conquer the day. what a great it is when we do this every day still dealing with anxiety and thinking of all the things that could go wrong so we can be prepared. Great way to feel on a daily basis .... Huh? Who would want to feel this way on a daily basis? well it makes us productive and it can also be debilitating no one understands that doesn't have it. I am here for you and I understand which is why I decided to do this. 

This is True and for all the brave people that do this. Thank you , you have tremendous strength : ) 
I would never want this for any one. For the people the love those of us that have anxiety , you don't know how much we need it or appreciate it . 
For everyone who struggles with anxiety, I hope this helps you. For the people that know some one that struggles with it, my hope is that this helps you understand a little bit the war, struggle that we as anxiety sufferers fight and conquer everyday. 


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