My Starting Battle with PTSD

 ~ P.T.S.D. ~
 What is it ? PTSD= Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
What causes PTSD ? NEWS FLASH: PTSD can be caused by anything. 
 Some of the more known situations that cause PTSD: 
Abuse ( of any kind) 
Car accidents or otherwise
Who is can get PTSD? NEWS FLASH : Any one can get PTSD.

So how did I get PTSD well it started when I was younger. I grew up in an abusive home, and was molested by my father and later raped by other people as well. I was introduced to many things as a child that I should not have been and groomed for a life that I left.  So those are what caused my PTSD. I don't like being touched unless its on my terms. I don't let myself get in certain situations because of my PTSD. If I end up in those situations that is where my fight or flight response kicks. I am not going into detail about my PTSD yet, but that also caused my anxiety and insomnia as well. 

Image result for PTSD memes

So if you struggle with this as well. I understand , PTSD can be caused by many things.... PTSD also doesn't go away there is no cure but there is ways to cope. So for those of you struggling with PTSD for what ever reason , and for the loved ones who love us through it , we thank you and we know its not easy. 


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