MENTAL,PHYSICAL,EMOTIONAL... what hurts the most

out of all the pain in the world the one heals the easiest is the 
it stands the test of time, the bruises and physical scars heal up and go away over time. you can cover them up with make up and bandaids until then, you can take pain meds till you go numb while you are waiting for the physical pain to leave you. yeah it hurts and stings when you touch it but it heals and you cant feel it any more. 
MENTAL: well that is in your head what you tell yourself because of other ppl. 
The voices that you still hear because you heard it for so long. you don't know how to change, you never look at yourself the same or feel how you used to. You changed and you try to go back , to find when it started so you could change so you can be happy but the mental trap of what you tell yourself never ends . This lasts for years and comes back in many forms mental you never fully heal from. You cope and you work on what you can but you never fully overcome. 
EMOTIONAL: well this this sucks the worse and here is why. dealing with emotions big or small, fester. no matter how you cope and deal emotions will always make themselves evident no matter how you handle it even becoming emotionless and at times you think you conquered it but you didn't and it all comes flooding back .
you tear yourself apart wanting to just not have to deal so you do what you can and you overcome day by day but still struggle. 

So I ask you: 
 What the hurts the most? 
physical , mental or emotional..... They all do just in different ways 
Here's what abusers use to trap us and soon we use it on ourselfs so we never truly heal. 

~ Language : tearing down of others and building up just to tear down again( mental and emotional abuse
~ Emotions: using our emotions and our gut against us making us second guess and feeling less than and inferior. ( mental and emotional abuse)
~ isolation: small ways ( mental and emotional abuse)
~ caring or lack of ( physical , mental , emotional abuse) 
~words( emotional abuse)
~arguments( mental and emotional abuse) 
~ physical: pain torture( emotional, mental and physical) 
abusers use the above listed in many different ways.... and later we use it on ourselves or allow others to use and the cycle never stops. even though we try, we fail we give up. We overcome and we cope but it takes a long time and it can be triggered again from anything and sometimes that is the most difficult. 

physical effects from all of this that cause mental and emotional things too: 

health problems, ptsd, anxiety, depression, eating disorders, fears, ibs, rape, bruises, scarring, cutting, ocd, overmedication, etc 

mental that cause this: flashbacks, triggers etc 

so I ask you again.... what hurts the most? 

for me what hurts the most is the lasting effects which are emotional for me mostly but also mental and i have to work hard everyday to overcome and move on . When you deal with this everyday life can be nervewrecking but you find a way to deal to the best of your ability cuz you have to and can and that is what your kids, significant others, family , friends etc need you to do. 

ALSO you need to take time for yourself or the ppl that rely and depend on you wont have you when they need . For a lot of us this is learned the hard way. 


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