Getting your shit together

I never thought I would settle. There is different kinds of settling.
You can settle in * relationships * marriage * friendships * jobs * careers etc. I'm talking about settling with careers. You see based on how I grew up and with , I know how messed up. But I also vowed I would never settle. I always go after my dreams and opportunities that way I never live with regrets. But here I am settling in my career or job and not the one I want. Why ? Some of the typical reasons people settle* they don't think they can do better. * they are scared , afraid of failure , being alone * they think its what they deserve . * they think if they put up with it then no else will have to. ( in the case of relationships) sometimes kids are involved, it can make it harder. Well settling in. Career or job is for some of the same reasons and I didn't realize that I was settling . sometimes its easier to settle , because you know what to expect and you know what will happen. It a means to survival. Reasons I never thought I would  settle because of what I grew up in and with so I survived it cuz I didn't have a choice and I wanted out. It took me 24 years to finally leave all that for good. Since then I have gotten my shit together or so I thought. Until I realize its my fault I'm not in the career I went to school for. You see I worked hard to better my life and no one was going to tell me different cuz I am never going back to the hell that I grew up in , I will never put my kids through that. So I bettered myself. I went to school and tried to build a better life. And for the most part I've done ok. I settled in my job and career. Reasons I settled , its easier I know what to expect. I'm scared of making it and past ppl wanting to tear my success down. I don't know how to advance my career with out doing things I refuse to do. I'm strong , I'm competitive , I reach my goals. So once again I'm faced with getting my shit together. Because I realized I have settled and I don't want to. I want to be successful and happy . I wanna work in the field I went to school for. So yes once again I'm getting my shit together Because I want to happy and strong. I'm gaining my confidence back. I wanna show my kids its never too late. I want my kids to know hard work still counts. I want my kids to know that respect still matters, settling is never a good thing. I don't want to settle any more so no more excuses , yes I once again am getting my shit together. So goodbye to disappointment and hello to my old self of confidence and strength again. Yes I may have to have a new plan. But it will happen . I don't give up. If you find yourself settling, create a plan because you deserve more , you can be strong and confident and don't let relationships, careers or jobs destroy you. Its going to be a long road but you can do it.


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