
Showing posts from March, 2018

Understanding , strength, love

This comes from the heart and has been on my mind quite a bit lately. If you come from a long line of abuse, if you don't come from a long line of abuse but find yourself in an abusive situation of any kind, if you're trying  to wrap your mind "how you let it happen, or get this far." " what's wrong with you ?" " how can any one love you?, or they must be the only person that does ." " No one will love you like they do or be there for you. " " or they are sorry and it will never happen again" " or you asked for it , or you make them angry or mad or make them do this and if you would just listen or get it through your head " .... " or if you take it, then your family or spouse or s/o or kids won't have to" and whatever you or others tell you then this is for you .   Understanding abuse is difficult for the many people who go through it and it hard and difficult to understand how other people could be