Arguments and getting your **** together2

ARGUMENTS: well I have been trying to do a lot better lately. And my hubby and I have had our fair share of disagreements lately. Well there was a big one recently due to an accident. There was a lot said and I got hurt and it ticked me off. Im still mad about it .
But basically one of the things said that I NEED TO GET MY **** TOGETHER! Well that ticked me off. I get it but then it seems to all go back to my anxiety etc and it sucks. For every step I seem to take forward every once in a while I seem to take a few steps back.
I've said it myself too but I do think I have it together. And anxiety isn't always the reason I do things. But it seems like once ppl know you have something whether it be anxiety , pts, bipolar, depression that any decision or choice according to other is cuz of that and its ridiculous cuz its like you're not a reg person any more.


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