
Right now anxiety is flooding my veins, most is good , some is bad , the rest is just infuriating. The good is amazing just annoyed I have to be patient which is not my strong suit. The bad is kicking my butt and making me exhausted and tired. The infuriating is making me feel guilty and horrible about myself. Anxiety is up and down and when its constant it sucks. When you have a difficult time turning it off your head spins all the time. You feel like you're drowning and there is no release good or bad you just have to wait it out deal with it everyday and just seem ok. Its an everyday struggle . its an everyday struggle so yes I get everything done I need to . I push myself and it just doesn't seem good enough . when it doesn't get done or everything piles up and I'm to blame. Its infuriating frustrating yet I do this to myself everyday anxiety is a vicious cycle.


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