new chapter, goals

I have now been divorced since Halloween of 2019! So coming up on a year. Being a single mom oh does it have it challenges! I am navigating and am ok with it.:) I do miss being married but I dont miss my ex. My have a good dad who loves them and will be their for them. They are surrounded by so much love. That is at least one thing I did right. 
 The reasons for the divorce , dont really matter. What I've learned my ex has a lot of growing up to do. I cant handle man children. I hope my kids learn and take the best from both of us as their parents. 
 I can focus on my goals and I'm much happier! Even though it's a little setback I will be ok. There is also a pandemic, a story for another post. 
I'm meeting some great people and hoping to make some great friends! I gained my confidence back and it's a work in progress. You dont how much you lose of yourself or give up until you are out of the situation,  because while in it. You are just too close amongst other reasons
  I am loving myself again and finding me. Now I'm still finding me after all this but I'm doing alright. This is my new normal and I'm ok with that. 


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