
Showing posts from September, 2017


THOUGHTs that run around in my head :  everything is your fault how could you be so stupid?  your feelings don't matter don't be so selfish you need to be there I need to depend on you it's not all about you you  need to do this family is important why can't you treat me like how you treat your inlaws I'm important to you know what your doing you asked for it I want you to call me  trust me and show me respect what is your problem you need to change your attitude you need to eat i can't believe your my daughter you hurt me  this has got to stop ETC ............................................................................................................................. there is many more but that would take up so much space and room and I don't want to do that but we tell ourselves things like this as we get older cuz we heard it so much and or still do . Then we continue it cuz of the flashbacks and the memories.  we need

MENTAL,PHYSICAL,EMOTIONAL... what hurts the most

o ut of all the pain in the world the one heals the easiest is the  physical: it stands the test of time, the bruises and physical scars heal up and go away over time. you can cover them up with make up and bandaids until then, you can take pain meds till you go numb while you are waiting for the physical pain to leave you. yeah it hurts and stings when you touch it but it heals and you cant feel it any more.  MENTAL: well that is in your head what you tell yourself because of other ppl.  The voices that you still hear because you heard it for so long. you don't know how to change, you never look at yourself the same or feel how you used to. You changed and you try to go back , to find when it started so you could change so you can be happy but the mental trap of what you tell yourself never ends . This lasts for years and comes back in many forms mental you never fully heal from. You cope and you work on what you can but you never fully overcome.  EMOTIONAL: well this this su