
Showing posts from July, 2018

Look at your self

I decided I need to look and reevaluate myself. It gets difficult but its something worth doing at least once a year to check your progress. I started journaling again A lot is going on and I think stress maybe getting to me. So I decided why not journal and see if its still worth it or what may need to change. So we shall see where this journey takes me I'm still trying not to make mistakes and not let things get in the way. Hopefully this journey helps me accomplish my goals.

Anxiety how to love some one with anxiety

Lil annoyances

Ok so we all have them. These lil annoyances that just are irritating. Such as being told : " you just need to let it go" Or " its part of being together" or " I really care about you but this will make you happy." " if you just learned then they will know when they have gone too far." " unless this happens..... Then its not that bad ..... They are just ...."   Well here's the thing when is enough , enough ? Listen to these long enough and you tell yourself them too. Its a vicious cycle. One hard to stop .... Why ? 1. Ppl think you're overreacting 2. Its not that bad you've been through worse so you should just deal with it. 3. Women vs men ( we as women just need to deal and get over it cuz guys well they are just wired differently, or they didn't know they were hurting us so its ok. Or were married or in a relationship and have kids and should be doing what's best for them) 4. Others know we struggle but we s