rough times

due to everything going on right it's been a roller coaster and crazy.  basically been faced with losing my job or on the verge .  ( I still have it by the way ! ) after almost a 12 year relationship,  9 or 10 of that being married .... I'm now going through a divorce cuz my kids dad doesn't want to be with me any more. its joint custody with the kids. basically I've lost my confidence and now I have to find it again. I've never had to struggle with my confidence I've always been a strong confident person. then I became a mom of 2 kids ( whom I love to death ) but becoming a mom I've struggled with my confidence ... then when I think I've found it boom I'm hit with this so now struggling with it. ( cuz whose gonna want all this ? not that I'm looking for a relationship cuz I am not. but you do wonder sometimes. ) FOR the 1st time in a lot of years I can focus on myself , my dreams my Hope's and goals! that makes me happy cuz some where along the way I lost all that . I dont know specifically or how specifically but I did. THINGS i AM EXCITED about going forward
[] saving
[] my own place
[] launching my business ( again and having it thrive)
[] getting back into nature
[] gaining my confidence back


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