( this song was suppose to be at the bottom but, it wouldn't allow it)

Seriously, we can have many paths in life but there are two I want to address: 

1. The path we are born into...... 

Here is what I mean by this we are born into families, then sometimes traded off or pushed away for ~ a habit

~ a distraction

~ something or some one better

~ a lifestyle

~ decision that we don't understand

what ever the reason for choices that our parents choose to make, grandparents, aunts uncles, ppl we are suppose to trust, ppl that are suppose to protect us, love us for who we are, be there for us. Soon we lose our childhood innocence some at a sooner age than some, and we come to realize that these ppl don't always have our best interest at heart, They are only human! they make mistakes, They are learning. sometimes they can't protect us when we need it the most. They can make choices that impact our lives forever and then wonder later why the relationship is strained when all they wanted was to love us, be there. 

What they don't always know is that sometimes what they do affects us, sometimes they don't care and what are we left with SCARS. physical, emotional, time consuming SCARS yes they can and sometimes do go away but not always. 

What does the next generation always strive for???? to be better than the last, but how when what we grow up in and know haunts us no matter what help we have gotten to survive it and cope. There are these underlining feelings, thoughts that creep back to the surface of our heads. 

SO the question is how do we over come this, choose our own path and try our hardest to be better? That is where the second path comes into place.

 2. THE path we choose..........

Here is what I mean by the path we choose, as we become older and mature and we learn life lessons, We soon figure out that we can plan the hand we have dealt or we can throw some cards down and pick up some new ones. 

So just as we are born into families, later on we can also choose our families, or the choices that we make to over come our past, make our lives better. 

We do what we can to still survive and cope to have ppl understand. To understand ourselves and make some changes. We make the changes to love ourselves and others.

 We make the choice to follow our passions, hopes , dreams, what ever drives us and gets us through. We set those goals and we are proud when we accomplish them and should be! We make efforts everyday to have control so we don't go back to the life that we didn't choose, and how ever hard and difficult the journey is for each us we some how find our way or we sometimes die trying. 

 For some of us the path we have chosen is more beneficial than the life we came from, but we remember the difficulties, the hard times and that is what makes us strong. That is what makes the difference for the lives we choose to continue to live and be happy with take responsibility for. 


  1. Very well written and explained. We all should choose our paths wisely and walk them with confidence and grace.

    Stay blessed
    Your TL colleague


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