use your past as a stepping stone

Lets Start with my Past: 
  1. I was born into an abusive family
  2. I dealt with emotional and physical abuse. 
  3. I had to make some hard decisions early on
  4. My past haunts me constantly
  5. I will never forget where I came from
  6. I am grateful for where I am at now
  7. I have PTSD, anxiety, insomnia and a handful of other things.... I'm very lucky that it wasnt worse than what It could have been.

FOR My Present: 
  1. I chose a good family ( hubby and kids) 
  2. I dont have physical abuse in my life anymore, I still have emotional though
  3. I still have to make hard decisions, but its for the goals I want
  4. My past haunts me still, but its made me a better and stronger person
  5. I always remember where I came from, I get to where I am going
  6. thankful for all I have in my life
  7. I still have PTSD , INsominia , Full Fledge Anxiety..... Still lucky it wasnt worse, Grateful where I am now
How I used my past as a STEPPING STONE for my present circumstances: 
When I was little I was faced with the question of who I would rather live with..... That was the first sign that my whole world as I knew it was about to change. From that time on I looked at both my parents decisions and I analyzed them and decided that I was not going to make those same decisions. I set goals of where I wanted to be in life and how I was going to accomplish them. For me this was the first steps despite the obstacles and there were many. There were times I didn't think I could do , times where I figured I was destined for the crappy life I was dealt times where I didn't see the light and didn't think I ever would. 
( this is by no means an exaggeration) 
When my world changed how I dealt with everything was pretty much the same as always , I stepped up, I was there for everyone else and I lost sight of me because well I needed to get out but eventually it would be my time. ( for those that know me , patience is not a strong suit of mine) so I buckled down I continued on and did what everyone else wanted, I kept my life a secret just to survive. 
 Once I could I left for the first time by setting goals and accomplishing them, well powers that be I had to go back to the same situation I left. So I dealt with that , then I later left again and had to go back. When I finally left for good I never looked back, I knew it wasn't going to be the same but I finally had to do what is best for me. 
 I surrounded myself with positive people and decided to do me. It was the best decision I have ever made. 
I have a good family that I chose. I have a lot of success that I never thought possible. I make the decision to enjoy this, then I look back on my past and re vow everyday to never go back to that life. I chose the life I have now and it took a lot of time effort letting a lot out of my life to get this far. 
 Setting small goals and accomplishing them was my first step and its the one step I continiously do. 


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