Why I constantly have to be doing something

Why I constantly have to be doing something. I have anxiety and insomnia and sometimes more often than not its difficult to cope as well as with the PTSD, a lot of it I have been dealing with for years so I know how to deal with it and mask it and there are those days that are just so rough and tough to handle. .....................
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.-I constantly keep myself busy to avoid my thoughts, to make sure I am productive. Well today I decided to be LAZY and not care. Its my day off and I didn;t care. I still took care of my responsibilities such as my kids and my dog. But other than that I did not care. I decided to try a new game that I found out was free. 
Well I played it for about 2 hours which I never do. I tell myself I can never find the time and I'm pretty busy so I can't but today I did and it was nice and fun and enjoyable. 
Sometime you have to allow yourself that time to just let loose and not overthink or at least I do.
I will play this game again , not sure how much or how little but for me to play for almost 2 hours that says quite a bit. Now I do like games I just prefer other uses of my time. This time it was worth it and I was glad that I did it. 


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