
Through out life our confidence that we have can be destroyed. This can happen to any one even the strongest people can struggle with confidence sometimes. I've always had confidence, but there have many times it has been destroyed which is why I work so hard to keep my confidence. First time my confidence was shot( I grew up in an abusive home from both parents ) so if was easy to just do what I needed to , to survive so that is what I did. But when I was told " it was my fault , or my feelings didn't matter because it wasn't always about me" I was very young when this was said multiple times to me amongst other things. Then my confidence came again and was shot again many times when I was. Teenager but also came back. Then I go after what I want because I always do. Well this last year has been difficult and my confidence was shot when I lost my job and had to find work again, first time ever for me losing a job . so I did what I had to do. I got a job , I took a pay cut. But a jobs a job. Well I'm starting to become strong again and I'm getting my confidence back so once again I am going after my hopes and dreams career wise and see what happens. Even though confidence cam be shaken many times you can always build it back up,you can be strong again. Confidence is a great thing .


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